This year's installment of Broken Social Scene/Arts and Crafts' annual summer concert on Toronto's Olympic Island featured BSS along with Beach House, Band of Horses and PAVEMENT. The problem here is that the concert is on a stupid island, so you have to take a stupid ferry, and the wait to get on the dumb ferry took forever. It was hot outside. Whaaaaaa!
So I finally got on the retarded ferry and it took us all along on our magical journey to Toronto Island. I was freaking out a little bit at this point because Beach House started already and I really wanted to see them. The lame-ass ferry finally landed and I scooted all the way to the concert. I ripped right through security and they didn't even check my bag. This point sucks, because I should of smuggled booze in.
Beach House @ Toronto Island
I did manage to check out the last few songs of the Baltimore MD band's set. They were amazing. I love their new record Teen Dream. So much so that I think its the best album that has come out this year so far. I really wished I saw more of the set and didn't have to wait for the failure ferry. Grrrrr... Boats.
Band of Horses @ Toronto Island
Up next was Seattle WA's Band of Horses. Now I had previously seen them only a month or so prior to this at a secret show they did at the Horseshoe Tavern, but that show was sort of last minute and the keyboardist didn't even have his keys with him. This show sounded so much better than that one. But it wasn't at the Horseshoe so the vibe wasn't as good (again the problem with these big fucking shows). They did put on a great set and the lead singer is a really good frontman. Plus I gathered that the ladies really enjoyed his cool, bearded demeanor.
Broken Social Scene @ Toronto Island (and my vantage point from the stupid, long beer garden line)
At this point I went on a beer hunt. Fuck it took forever. It was during Broken Social Scene's set so it didn't really matter that it took forever. I'm not a huge fan of them, but it was good background music while I waited for my beer. All the usual Arts and Crafts characters joined them on stage including BLAH BLAH BLAH WHO CARES. Seriously whats up with the 50 million people on stage? That was so 2002.
PAVEMENT @ Toronto Island (squeeeeeeeeal!)
Finally after waiting 17 days for three beers, I demolished them in 13.7 seconds and ran back for the start of Pavement. They were so good live. So much better than on record. The records have a certain sloppy quality which suits them well, but live you realize just how great they actually are as musicians. The reverb and the distortion were mixed perfectly. They started off the set with "Cut Your Hair" and proceeded through all their goodies. A great band. I was very happy I got to see them. It was (almost) worth all the bullshit and money I paid for the show.
But alas I was stuck on a fucking island on Lake Ontario, so I decided to cut out a bit early so that I wouldn't have to wait forever for the drooling inbred hillbilly of a ferry. While we were waiting for the ferry I managed to catch at a few more Pavement songs before the fugly boat departed. Plus there was a scary spider above my head and I got freaked out in front of a bunch of cute girls. Manliness-fail.
I returned to civilization finally, and I tried to do some of last night of NXNE shit, but Wrongbar was at capacity and my friend didn't have a badge, so we just got tanked at a couple bars in Parkdale. All and all it was good day/night.