Merge Records
Released August 2nd, 2010
What it is: Swirling, operatic, electronic vs. folky, musical indie-rock awesome-ness.
Sounds like: Flaming Lips, Neutral Milk Hotel, David Bowie
ARCADE FIRE CHANGED MY LIFE!!! Well sort of, 6 years ago. Back then all I listened to was loud metal/punk/hardcore/garage. When I heard 2004's Funeral I really really really loved it. I realized that any type of music could be great as long as you give it a chance. Now I will listen to anything. As long as it doesn't sound like a bag of dicks.
So the Montreal-based group has a little piece of my heart if nothing else. Nothing will ever compare to that album. It was my favorite of the decade in fact. The follow-up, 2007's Neon Bible was good, but a tiny bit of a letdown. But it eventually grew on me. Now Arcade Fire's new double LP, The Suburbs is an awesome album of band really capitalizing on their maturity and success.
I really like this album a lot. There are some really fun catchy songs, some really heartfelt tunes, and some that are truly soaring and awesome. It may be the best album of the year (although I will have to think long and hard about it against Beach House's Teen Dream).
This brings me to the rant that I want to get too: WTF is up with Canadians? I've lived up here for three years and it seems like the people up here seem to have a hate on for any band that gets popular outside of Canada. A lot Canadians's reaction is indifference and downright disdain for this band others that have gotten wide-spread acclaim. Sorry they don't sound like really boring country, sing about the Leafs in a stupid voice (fuck you Tragically Hip), or aren't from your home providence. Its weak and y'all should get over it. (My apologies to my Canadian friends who don't act this way. You rule.)
The album itself is massive and sprawling, yet light and spacious (hmmm much like the the actual suburbs?). The 16 tracks span many moods, tempos, and styles. The songs all sound a bit different and create a great flow across the whole album. The two main highlights of the album are both the second parts of a larger song dialogues: "Half Light II (Celebration)" and "Sprawl II (Mountains Beyond Mountains)". The first has a great electronic mood and beat combined with massive, swirling harmonies. Its epic. The later is a triumphant fun ending to the album. Its super catchy and really awesome. Other highlights are "Month of May" which has a Springsteen vibe and "Ready To Start" the current radio single.
Listen to this album all the way through a few times. Its worth your time because it is really fucking worth it.
Rating: 9.0