XL Recordings
Released: April 5th, 2010
An elf from a mystical land writing weird Icelandic children's music.
What the fuck is this shit? It sucks. I'm sorry, I try to keep an open mind when come to music, and I have a pretty diverse taste, but this is just not fun to my ears. NOT INTO IT SORRY. "Animal Arithmetic" is an OK song. This would of sounded great to me if I was eight and it was the soundtrack to some Neverending Story-type movie.
Similar: Sigur Rós, Elves
Rating: 2.5
Seriously wtf is up with Iceland? They were settled by mother-fucking Vikings. What happened? Plus their country looks like a giant metal-video. BRARRRRRG! Fuck this I'm reviewing some Viking shit:
Metal Blade Records
Released: August 18th, 2010
This shit is equally cheesy as the above album. While Jónsi is cheesy musically, King of Asgard sings about Vikings and battles and other LARP shit. But this is better, because most of the time the dude growls in Swedish/Finnish/Norge/whatever so who cares what he's singing about. The music slays. That's all that matters.
There's nothing new here as far as Viking-Melodic-Death-Metal goes. Just some tunes to get you pumped before you sail into the sea to pillage, ride into battle to slay, or play 12 hours of World of Warcraft. These dudes definitely rip-off Amon Amarth though.
Here's an anecdote on Viking Metal: I once went to a VM show in Montreal. It was a hoot, let me tell 'ya. There were kids with CHAILMAIL, HELMS, and fucking DRINKING HORNS, which they were drinking their beers out of. It was the most unintentionally funny show I've ever been too. AND you know what? I had GREAT TIMES. (I'm pretty sure my Elfish friend above's show would not be nearly as entertaining as this show was.)
Similar: Amon Amarth, Emperor, old In Flames
Rating: 7.0