Thursday, March 18, 2010

Show Review: Woods / Real Estate

March 14th, 2010 @ The Horseshoe Tavern, Toronto

First-off, can I say how I hate when people call the Horseshoe Tavern the "'Shoe". It sounds dumb Toronto. Please stop. And also when I was watching the show I was thinking that if you changed the little - thingy between the two |'s in the letter "H" to a \ thingy, then it would spell "The Norseshoe Tarvern" and everyone knows that Viking-related foot-ware would had to be rad. Because anything Viking-related is rad.

So anyways, this show was awesome. I'm really glad I got off my lazy/hungover ass to go to it. That after-party on Bathurst the night before was the shit, but I was fairly immobile on Sunday.

Both of the bands were really good, and I met up with my friends Max and Anne, and I bought a sweet Woods t-shirt. Max and Anne are the best. Plus Max clued me in about my new favorite blog.

I missed the first band, but I showed up right before Real Estate. Hearing them live was great surprise, since I wasn't sure what to expect, being that their records are so lo-fi. Their songs would be great played out of a little tape deck on a beach, smoking a joint. If I still smoked weed that is.

Woods was super great too. The dude's screechy, sort-of high-pitched voice sounded exactly as it does on the record. The band was tight, but I thought they were a three piece, until I realized that there were synths coming from someplace. Then I caught a glimpse of the keyboardist' head. He was sitting on the ground. What a bunch of weird-ass hippies. They didn't do "The Number" which was a bummer, 'cause that's my favorite Woods song. Oh well.

Then Woods and Real Estate came out together for an encore and called themselves Real Woods. They preceded to do a cover of Blind Melon's "No Rain." And although this was the only song that the lame-o Toronto crowd seemed to perk up too, I have admit it was pretty good.

Oh yeah, so I bought this shirt:
I have no idea wtf is going on, but all I know, is that it's tie-dyed and has some wacky shit on. RAD.

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