Season of Mist
Released: January 26th, 2010
Metal rules. Especially black metal. I like this album. Its got a great, grim, cold, BM sound like Xasthur mixed with more folkier, classical pieces.
Imperium Dekadenz do have a really dumb sounding name though, but I will give them a pass cause they are German and hail from the BLACK f-in FOREST! So awesome. They have a lot in common with Wolves In The Throne Room. Both bands play atmospheric black metal and sing about forests and spirits and a bunch of other grim/cold crap. Both bands live in the woods: one is wet and has owls which are not what the seem (The Cascades) the other is um.... black and grim. It's a relief to hear an BM band not sing about the usual satan/god sucks/burn a church crap. That was so 1994. Today BM is all about the grim woods.
The non-metal parts of Procella Vadens give the album enough variety to keep is interesting to listen to all the way through. Sometimes I feel like black metal gets a little repetitive without other elements. Including the intro and outro tracks there are a total of 5 non-black metal pieces. These range from grim sounding piano interludes to folky acoustic guitar pieces. My only complaint with these pieces is that they are distinctly separated from the metal songs. I would of liked to hear more of a blend between the different musical styles, like Phil Elvrum did on last years amazing Mount Eerie album Wind's Poem also about the grim woods.
The highlight of the album are the songs "A Million Moons" and "An Autumn Serrenade" which are also the longest and are wicked grim. Oh and the album art is amazing. A lone figure standing on a grim waterfall. Wicked.
RIYL: Wolves in the Throne Room, Xasthur, old-Enslaved
Rating: 8.5
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